Far Beyond Our Ability to Endure


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I know there are many of you out there that are at the end of your rope. You feel like this season of despair is far beyond your ability to endure. Your peace is robbed, and you feel completely helpless and consumed by this trial or circumstance. You are not alone. The Apostle Paul also felt this type of deep anguish.

We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired of life itself. – 2 Corinthians 1:4, NIV

I don’t know about you, but reading Paul’s words gives me great comfort. I am not rejoicing that Paul felt this way, I am just comforted knowing that I am not alone. There have definitely been seasons in my life where I felt unable to stand and endure. And, I am sure that Paul and I aren’t the only ones who have felt this way.

We all go through periods like this – a heartbreaking diagnosis, the loss of a loved one, marital strain, miscarriage, betrayal, unemployment or financial burden. Like Paul, we may feel like there is no relief in sight. It may seem that all hope is gone. We may even feel that we are on the verge of death. But, I am here to encourage you to hold on.

If we cry out to the Lord in the midst of our weakness, He will strengthen us to continue. Paul is correct. Certain circumstances do surpass our ability to endure. In these moments, we must lean on Jesus so that His strength becomes ours. This is when God’s power is demonstrated most.

“My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me. – 2 Corinthians 12:9, NLT

We also need to recognize that this type of despair is not in vain. It forces us to learn how to become completely dependent on the Lord. In these moments of absolute weakness, we MUST turn to Him. With a heart of desperation, we raise our hands up to Jesus in an act of true surrender, and ask for His strength to endure. 

Ladies, it may seem like there is no end to the pain you are feeling. In fact, you may feel that you have no strength left inside you. But, I encourage you to invite Jesus into your situation. I promise you that there is always hope with Him on your side.

We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandonded; struck down, but not destroyed.        – 2 Corinthians 4:8, NIV

A Call For Holiness


Years ago, you truly couldn’t distinguish between who was a follower of Christ and who wasn’t solely based on conduct. Morality was expected from everyone, and there was shame in not living a life full of integrity. Unfortunately today, you still often cannot distinguish between the two. But nowadays, it is because Christians are abusing God’s grace and are using it as an excuse to live like those who don’t know Him.

For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. They will reject the truth and chase after myths. – 2 Timothy 4:3-4, NLT

It is very easy to get caught up in the world’s ideas about living. But once we accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, a transformation in our hearts and minds should begin. We should turn away from anything that is sinful, for this grieves the Lord. I recognize that we will all fall into traps that entangle us, and forgiveness is extended. But, I am witnessing an unsettling trend.

In the past, there was a legalistic movement in the Church that led to a list of things you couldn’t do. You couldn’t dance, you couldn’t go to the movies, you couldn’t drink a glass of wine. Women couldn’t wear pants or make-up. The list went on and on filled with rules and regulations, many of which weren’t even sinful. If that weren’t bad enough, the major problem with this thinking was that people believed that if you obeyed this list, you earned your salvation, regardless of your heart. And, we all know that is nonsense.

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast.  Ephesians 2:8-9, NIV

Unfortunately, the pendulum has now swung in the opposite direction. In an effort to escape this dangerous legalistic thinking, people have gravitated to an “anything goes” philosophy of Christianity where they believe that any behavior is covered by grace. This is also nonsense. We are called to live a holy life.

As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.” – 1 Peter 1:14-16, NIV

Ladies, we need to ask ourselves some tough questions. Are we living a holy life? Does sin sadden us? Do we know what the Word of God commands, and does our life reflect it?

In an effort not to be vague, let’s get specific in some areas. Are you using language that is crude or foul? Do you lie to suit your purposes? Is anger ruling in your heart? Are you having sex outside of marriage? Do you get drunk on the weekends? Are you gossiping about your boss or your pastor? Are you entertaining yourself with media that is contrary to a Godly life?

When you truly love Jesus with all your heart, you should want to live a life that is pleasing to Him. Remember, His commands are not suggestions, they are requirements. And, the best part is that you don’t need to do it in your own strength. In fact, you couldn’t. We have the Holy Spirit available to us to empower us to live the life we’ve been called to live.

We need to get on our knees, repent, and turn away from any sinful behavior in our lives. God is calling us to be holy. Will you answer the call?

Finding Joy In the Rain


I was having one of those days. I woke up to the rain, and rain always gets me down. I finished our tax return and found out we owed more than we thought we did. I left my lunch in the refrigerator at home, so I was starving at work. And when my daughter got home from school, I had to deal with ten-year-old girl drama – not fun. All of these “things” put me in a bad mood. I spent the whole day with a bad attitude and a scowl on my face. When my husband got home and asked me if I could please just smile, I wanted to scream.

I don’t know about you, but I tend to think my joy is based on my circumstances. I would be happy if only I got enough sleep the night before, if I didn’t get stuck in traffic, if my house was clean, or even if the sun was shining! I have the mentality that people or things can steal my joy.  Newsflash – no one and no thing can steal my joy. I am the one choosing to give it up.  Joy is a fruit of the Spirit, and when we are filled with the Holy Spirit, joy is always available to us. 

But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.               Galatians 5:22-23

If we ever feel like we aren’t portraying these “fruits,” honestly, it’s our own fault. Sometimes, we just need to pray and ask God for help. Since we, as Christians, are supposed to be living by the Spirit, we need to let the Spirit lead us in every part of our lives. Sometimes we might need to force that smile, instead of barking out our laundry list of reasons why we aren’t happy.  Just because we are Christians, doesn’t mean that we are always going to get what we want. The test is how we act when things don’t go our way. Are we going to be filled with joy because we are filled with the Spirit, or are we going to be filled with anger, bitterness, and unhappiness because we are filled with the world?

I will be filled with joy because of you. I will sing praises to your name, O Most High. -  Psalm 9:2

I decided after my husband told me to smile (and I wanted to scream) to actually smile. It was not easy at first. I had to pray and give my nasty attitude to God. Then, I tried to fix my mind on happy thoughts and on good memories. I actually went and looked at pictures of when the kids were little to change my focus. They were just so cute. I couldn’t help but smile.   I have been so blessed. I felt foolish for being crabby after all God has done for me.

Satan would love nothing more than for us to walk around miserable. How about we make him mad and walk around happy? When you get up each day (even the days with rain), say to yourself, “This is the day that the Lord has made.  I will rejoice and be glad in it.”  And as you are standing at your closet, trying to figure out what to wear, don’t forget to put on your smile!

Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again – rejoice. - Philippians 4:4

The Gift of Presence

By Jessica Landmon

Most people who know me typically say I'm hard to buy a gift for. They would argue that I have very specific tastes or that I am too practical. So, when a holiday or birthday rolls around, the interrogation begins.

Between you and me, I think I am quite easy to buy for, and I do love gifts just as much as the next person. But, what I really have discovered is that the gift of presence is the best gift you could give me. I love to spend time with my family, so gifting me an activity or an opportunity to spend more time with them is my most treasured of gifts.

With two teenagers in the house, we are definitely in a season of busy. In fact, I feel that I spend more time driving my kids to and from activities than anything else. I know most moms can relate. Sure, we make every effort to spend time with each other, but most often, it happens in the car, squeezed in between activities, or during our late night dinners. And, it certainly isn’t the unhurried time that I so desire.

Thinking about all this got me reflecting on my relationship with my Heavenly Father and what He so desires from me. He longs to spend time with me, just as I long to spend time with my children. Squeezing in some prayer time in the car or in between a hectic day isn’t exactly the “quality” time He wants of me.

Am I giving the Lord my best? Have I given Him the gift of my presence – my undivided attention, setting my focus on Him, and Him alone? Do I set apart time to spend with Jesus when I'm not looking at my phone, mentally creating a to-do list, or otherwise consumed with another activity. Do I come unplugged before Him each and every day?

Unfortunately, my answer saddened me – not always. Days get crazy. Demands are high. And in fact, they are often filled with tasks that I'm doing for Him. But, what I have learned is that I will never achieve the level of intimacy with the Lord that my spirit craves until I gift Him this – the gift of my presence.

The funny thing is that I recognize how important this time with the Lord is to me. Yet some days, I simply fail to fit it in. These unhurried moments before the Lord provide me peace like no thing or no person can. It calms my heart and refreshes my spirit. It also gives me an opportunity to pour out praise to my awesome God, thanking Him for all He is and for all He has done.

Here, in this unhurried time with the Lord, He and I can dream and plan together. He provides understanding and comfort to situations my mind can’t comprehend in the natural. He heals my hurts, convicts me of bad choices, and helps me align myself with His will. In His presence, His majestic power, grace, and abundant love are revealed. Ultimately, I walk away stronger and empowered to do what I have been called to do.

Ladies, I encourage you to check yourselves in this area too. Have you given Jesus the gift of your presence – the uninterrupted, unhurried moments of your day where you spend solely with Him? If not, it's time to rethink your schedules and reprioritize. I can assure you that you will never regret any time spent in His presence.

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. – Revelations 3:20

Fighting For Your Destiny


Did you ever just wake up in the morning with an overwhelming sense that you were called to do something greater? You capture glimpses of your destiny, your very purpose of existing, and excitement starts to rise within. Then, that all too familiar voice invades your mind, telling you that you're just a dreamer and that you don’t have what it takes to make your dreams, the very dreams that God instilled in your heart, a reality. If this is you, you are not alone.

The enemy is real, and he will do anything to hinder you from walking into your destiny. His best strategy is to keep you a prisoner to his lies and deception. He wants you to believe that you are not good enough, that you don’t have enough resources, or that you are prideful to think that God would want to use you.

He also uses fear tactics – fear of failure, fear of people’s opinions, fear of the unknown – to cripple you from moving forward. The devil is smart and wants to stop you from realizing your purpose because, once you walk in it, he knows that you will be an unstoppable force for the Kingdom of God!

"The enemy does not attack you according to your history. He attacks you according to your destiny." - Lisa Bevere

The enemy has been attacking women for too long, and I, for one, have had enough. It's time we become wise to the enemy’s strategies and soar like we were destined to do. I am not suggesting we are all called to full-time ministry, but each of us has a purpose on this earth that is greater than ourselves. God wants to use us all for His purposes, but we need to tell the devil enough!

So, Lord Jesus, I break off every lie attacking my sisters today, discouraging them from pursing their destinies. I pray faith will arise. I speak goodness and success into their future. I don’t care what their pasts look like because Jesus, you can restore all brokenness and hurt, replacing it with hope overflowing. I command all fear to dissipate and for freedom to arise.

Lord, embolden all of us to take a step of faith today, trusting that you are right there alongside us. We will not worry about failing or what others may think. We will chase you with tenacity and will fight to become the women you’ve destined us to be.

Authors, Politicians, Teachers, Singers, Doctors, Pastors, Mothers, Business Owners. Raise us up, Lord God. Let us dream again. Let us not dismiss that nudging deep in our soul. We are not too old. We are not too weak. We are not too broken. We invite the Holy Spirit to equip us now as we boldly step into our destinies.

In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.     Matthew 19:26

The Great Compromise


Compromise, in most instances, is usually a good thing. It is a way of finding common ground or a means to settling a dispute. Compromise is the key to healthy marriages and most relationships. It is necessary in politics and the business world. However, there is one place where compromise becomes destructive. It comes disguised as good intentions and packaged up beautifully under the label of love. 

The Holy Spirit has been tugging at my heart for quite some time now, and I feel I need to share about a great deception occurring right before our very eyes. In an effort to reach all people, in an attempt to tear down the boundaries that keep the “unchurched” out of church, in a means to reach more souls for Jesus, a great compromise of truth is happening.

The Christian Church, yes the Christian Church, is sacrificing the very foundations of our faith to become more relevant and culturally acceptable in an attempt to lead people to Christ. Church has become more about creating a great experience for people, rather than allowing them to experience the true presence of God at work within us all. We have become so fearful that we will offend people, that we have ultimately offended and grieved the Holy Spirit.

You will watch a generation of Christians – OF CHRISTIANS – set the Bible aside in an attempt to become more like Jesus. And stunningly it will sound completely plausible. This will be perhaps the cleverest of all the devil’s schemes in your generation. Sacrifice TRUTH for LOVE’s sake. And you will rise or fall based upon whether you will sacrifice one for the other. Will you have the courage to live in the tension of both TRUTH & LOVE?” – Beth Moore

We don’t want to make people feel uncomfortable, so we present feel good messages that resemble that of a life coach, and less like the words of Christ. We water down the Word of God and avoid the controversial and challenging parts. Ladies, I have news for you – the Word of God is offensive. In fact, that’s its very purpose.

 For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edge sword, it pierces even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight; everything is uncovered and exposed before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account. – Hebrews 4:12-13

God’s Word has power. It exposes our sinful nature, and it helps us realize that we need a savior. His Word, along with the power of the Holy Spirit, is what brings us to Jesus. We are doing people a disservice by withholding the whole Gospel from them.

Yes, we are called to love. That is the greatest commandment. But, at what cost? Jesus never sacrificed truth for love. He was able to offer both, and He is the greatest evangelist of all times. 

We need to check our hearts. We need to check our motivation. We cannot fear rejection from some because the truth is uncomfortable. Let’s love people so much that we present the whole Gospel to them. We will be accountable for the message we carry. Do you have the courage to take a stand in this generation and be a voice of both love and truth? 

Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love. – 1 Corinthians 16:13-14




Getting Through the Drought


Life is marked by many seasons. One of the most unsettling seasons for a Christian can be one of drought, or spiritual dryness – a time when you no longer “experience” God’s presence like you used to. You once felt God in almost everything you did, and now it appears that He has moved away from you. Your prayer time seems mundane, your Bible reading is uneventful, and even your worship time doesn’t evoke the same emotions it used to.

What do you do? How do you respond to this? Well, one way to respond is to accept this as the new normal and become complacent in your walk. Obviously, this is dangerous territory. If you aren’t moving closer to God, than you are falling away. This is exactly what the enemy would love you to do because it provides a prime opportunity for him to move in on you.

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. – 1 Peter 5:8

The other response, and the right one, is to chase after God with a new ferocity. Put everything else on hold, and seek Him like never before. Don’t stop until you push past the dryness.

Instead of viewing this season as a setback, view it as an invitation from the Lord to go deeper with Him. Going deeper shows Him that you are all in and that your desires aren’t as important as His. Going deeper brings you to a place where God can share His heart with you. Going deeper means He can trust you with Kingdom purposes. 

Unfortunately, a lot of us seek God until we feel Him a little, and then stop, never going further. This is so sad. This depth of relationship may sustain us for a while, but ultimately, it will never be enough to continually nourish our spirits. We need to go deeper.  

Going deeper with the Lord may require a great deal from us. We need to be disciplined and press in. We need to let go of some worldly habits and strongholds. But in the end, if we strive for this type of intimacy with God, we will always have enough to sustain us through each and every season of our life.

Come near to God and he will come near to you. – James 4:8

I don’t know about you, but I want to go deeper in 2017. I want to get to a place with the Lord where I won’t ever go dry. This isn’t just about going to church more often or reading the Bible again and again. I want to have an intimate relationship with Him. I want to go deep so that He may reveal revelation knowledge to me. I want to invite Him into every area of my life. I want to align my heart with His, so that His purposes become mine.

Ladies, it is time to push past the drought. I believe a rainstorm is coming! 

Getting Real About 2016: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly


I’m not going to lie. I couldn’t wait for 2016 to end. Although the year was marked with more tangible and spiritual blessings than ever before, it was also a year filled with a lot of hurt and uncertainty. As a result, 2016 has been affectionately nicknamed in my house as the “year of change.”

I will admit that at several points during the year, I seriously considered selling everything and moving to the mountains with my husband, kids and extended family. I wanted to shut out all contact with people, and just serve God and sing “Kumbaya My Lord” by the campfire. You’re laughing, but I’m not joking.

The good news is that even though some of the things that transpired during 2016 took me by surprise, none of them surprised my God. He had a plan. There was purpose. And, it is unfolding right before my eyes.

Interestingly, now that I have made it past the roughest parts, I can only express a heart of gratitude to the Lord for bringing me through this journey. He taught me spiritual lessons that only trials like this afford. It helped me appreciate my family and the love and support that they continually offer to me. New friendships have been forged, and people have entered my life that I never would have met had it not been for this rocky season.

You may be wondering what exactly happened and why I am leaving out the details – simple, because the details are unimportant. Seasons of difficulty come and go. But as Christians, we need to wrap our heads around this truth – God never wastes anything!

A mighty woman of God poured some strong Godly wisdom into my heart during a particularly challenging day. She said:

“Don’t see any of this [trial] as a set back, but see it as a set up. God is setting things up. Your hurt and pain won’t be wasted. He will use it for His glory.”

Wow! These words spoke directly to me, and I wanted to share them with you because I know I am not alone. Many of you are also dealing with your own form of hurt. Dreams you were chasing may have been extinguished, people you trusted may have let you down, and relationships may have been broken. God knows your heartache and saw every tear you shed. I promise you, He will use this all for His glory, if you let Him.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. – Romans 8:28

So, where do we go from here? How do we move forward? We need to let go. We need to leave the past behind us, and embrace what God has in store for us in the future.  

As we enter 2017, let go of the hurt. Release its hold over you. Focus on the good. Forget all the bad. And, forgive the ugly. Once you do, you are well positioned for God to use you. Your destiny is calling. Are you ready?

Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 3:13-14

‘Tis the Season


‘Tis the season to be jolly, or so the saying goes. During the Christmas season, we, of course, should be filled with joy and exuberance. What’s not to love? Christmas decorations adorn our homes, Hallmark movies are in marathon mode, and cookies and treats are everywhere.

Although I admittedly am a “Christmas-aholic”, I recognize that this time of year is not that “jolly” for many of you. Some of you are dealing with hurtful memories of Christmases gone bad. Others are coping with the loss of a loved one that makes this particular time of year very painful. And, still, others are feeling anxious about all the things that need to be accomplished.

In any instance, I want to encourage you with some truths.

1 – Jesus wants to bring you peace this Christmas.

The holidays can be one of the most painful times of year, either reliving disappointments from prior years or missing that loved one who is no longer with you. Jesus can bring you peace and healing. You just need to come undone before Him.

Invite Him into all those areas that you try to hide from the world, and allow Jesus to minister to you soul. Let Him replace sorrow with hope, depression with joy, and anger with love. Stop looking to other means to fill that void. Jesus, and Jesus alone, is the answer.

2 – Christmas isn’t about you. 

That’s right. It’s about the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Your shopping list may still be untouched, and your Christmas cards may not even make it out this year, but that’s not what it’s about. Who cares if you put on a Pinterest-worthy party? (Although, I’d like to be invited if you do.)

Christmas should be a time where we reflect on the single most significant gift we have ever received – Jesus. His birth, and ultimately His death, reconciles our sinful lives to God so that we may spend eternity with Him. If we reflect on this marvelous truth, all the pressure that we put on ourselves this season begins to seem silly. Let His presence overflow in your heart.

3 – Stop sacrificing your Christmas joy in pursuit of the “perfect” Christmas. 

Yes, I love to decorate every room of my house. And, yes, I have an Excel spreadsheet that tallies all my gift purchasing. But, I will not allow the stress of the season to ruin my Christmas.

I used to think that I needed to have Christmas cards in the mailbox by December 1st, Christmas shopping done by Thanksgiving, and all presents wrapped and under the tree no later than the first week of December. Crazy, right? I thought that if I could get all this done early, I could really spend the season focusing on the important things. I guess that is true, but as what cost?

Instead of quickly checking things off my list, I decided to enjoy each and every thing I need to do no matter when it gets done. Of course, I still feel pressure at times, but I have learned to view these tasks as blessings, rather than burdens.

4 – You don’t have to act like Buddy from Elf to let the joy of the season fill you. 

I know I may be offending some of my high-spirited readers, but we don’t need to decorate our cars with antlers, wear a Santa hat to the office, and play Christmas music around the clock to experience the joy of the season. If you enjoy this, please, by no means stop, but understand joy is something experienced in the heart, not necessarily put on display for everyone to see.

Joy isn’t a feeling – it is confidence in knowing where your hope lies. Joy comes from receiving our King, Jesus. And, it shouldn’t stop on December 25th. You can experience this joy year round.

Joy to the World! The Lord is come! Let earth receive her King. Let every heart prepare Him room, and Heaven and nature sing.

When Love Is Absent


When love is absent, bitterness overflows. When love is absent, selfishness exists. When love is absent, pride manifests. Bitter, selfish, and proud – these three adjectives accurately describe the condition of Jonah’s heart.

The book of Jonah is only four short chapters. And, yet, his life has really stirred my heart – so much that I have now devoted two back-to-back blogs about it.

God asked Jonah to share a message of repentance to the people of Ninevah. But, Jonah did not want to go. He was afraid that the people would hear this message, turn from their wickedness, and that God would show them love rather than the judgment that Jonah felt they deserved.

Wanting people to receive punishment for their wrongdoing is a normal human reaction, but it is not Godly. I can totally understand how Jonah would want the people of Ninevah to get what was coming to them. They were evil and inflicted cruelty on the Israelites. But, that’s not God’s heart. And, Jonah knew that.

I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity. – Jonah 4:2

If you really study the scriptures, you will see that God uses punishment as a last resort. God is a God of love. He wants all people to turn from their evil ways. His hope is to restore all people. He wants to welcome everyone into a relationship with Him. And, He will give people numerous opportunities to do so.

When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he relented and did not bring on them the destruction he had threatened. – Jonah 3:10

Ladies, I am deeply troubled by the current state of our nation. Love is diminishing, while hate is growing. But, we need to remember that God is deeply in love with all of us, no matter what we have done. His hope is that we all receive His free offer of repentance and turn to Him.

Let’s make sure we remember this the next time we see people who have rejected God or are struggling in sin. It’s easy to see ungodly behavior and get all smug. But, aren’t we all just “a burning stick snatched from the fire”? (Zechariah 3:5) We need to extend the same grace to others that God has extended to us. If we lack love, how are we supposed to bring them to Jesus?

Loving people like Jesus is our choice. Love brings understanding. Love brings compassion. Love brings unity.

When love is absent, evil wins.

The Belly of a Fish


Has God ever asked you to do something that you just plain didn’t want to do? Maybe it was outside your comfort zone. Or, perhaps, you knew that there could be backlash that followed. Maybe you just weren’t comfortable with God’s strategy. In any instance, you convinced yourself that it just wasn’t something you were going to do, and the matter was settled.

You are not alone. Jonah was given such a task and initially responded the same way. God asked Jonah to go preach a message of repentance to the people of Ninevah. These weren’t just any people – they were evil – and they were Israel’s biggest enemy. Jonah wanted them to get what was coming to them, certainly not offer them a way out.

So Jonah said no. Actually, he said no and tried to get as far away from God as possible. He set sail for Tarshish, which was the opposite direction of Ninevah. Well, most of you who attended a Sunday school class or two know what happened next. Jonah ended up in the belly of a fish. And, the Lord rescued him from the depths of the ocean and graciously put Jonah back on his path so that he could fulfill his mission.

“Now the Lord provided a huge fish to swallow Jonah, and Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.” – Jonah 1:17

Ladies, you can’t hide from God. He will find you. In fact, He never lost you. His eyes are always on you. God has specific assignments that you – and only you – can accomplish. He wants you to walk in your calling, and He will take drastic measures to make that happen.

Make no mistake, God will sometimes ask us to do things we don’t want to do, but we need to trust that it’s the right thing even if we can’t understand it at the time. There is much Kingdom work to be done, and God is asking us to do our part. Listen, I’m not Jonah, and neither are you, but God still wants to use us to accomplish His purposes here on earth.

Whether or not you obey God’s request is entirely up to you. But, remember, God will not let you run from Him. He will pursue you with fervency. He has a perfect plan and path for your life, and He wants you to walk in it. It’s time to stop avoiding it. If you do, you might just end up in the belly of a fish!

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” – Ephesians 2:10

Just Breathe


Life is busy. Time is short. And, our priorities are often out of order. Our days are spent completing an endless list of things that "need" to get done. And, in the middle of this craziness, we squeeze in some prayer time and Bible reading, and hope that we make it to the finish line each night. If this is you, I can tell you with certainty that you are doing it wrong. Yes, you are doing life wrong. Jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly, not this hectic life we have come to accept. In the middle of our busyness and good intentions, we have sacrificed peace, joy, and the abundant life God has planned for us.

The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. – John 10:10 (NKJV)

People hear the word abundant and immediately assume that the scriptures are referring only to material blessings. This is why many are chasing the wrong things and burning themselves out in the process. The abundant life referred to here has so much more to offer than just things and status. It is a life filled with God’s presence and counsel. It is a life filled with purpose and fulfillment. It is a life filled with laughter, gladness, and hope.

So what's the solution? How do we step away from the rat race that we all have come to accept as normal? Well, the first thing you need to do is just breathe. Actually, take a long, deep breath with me right now. Don't think about all the things you need to get done. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Meditate on God's goodness and His immeasurable love for you.

Now, ask God to reveal His heart to you and show you where you should direct you time and energy. Focus on these areas. When you partner with God and are in alignment with His vision, our tasks begin to have purpose. These tasks won't feel like burdens anymore, but rather opportunities to collaborate with the Kings of Kings.

Please understand that this isn't an excuse to shirk our responsibilities. There are things that we just need to do each and every day. But, if we were truly honest with ourselves, we would see that many of the things we stress about are things we were never meant to do. That's why we end up feeling overwhelmed and short on time.

Ladies, God doesn’t want you stressed and overwhelmed. He wants you to partner with Him so that you can accomplish your purpose. Let go of the old way of thinking, and start chasing after what God has in store for you. I promise, you won’t be disappointed. Now breathe.



We hope that you will be able to join us for the “The Power Within” Conference on Saturday, October 29th from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. at The Cornerstone Church in Cheshire, CT. We are expecting a refreshing time with the Lord.

For tickets, go to:


All Wrapped Up


I bought the present weeks ago. It was a nice present, and I put a lot of thought into purchasing it. However, the day of the party arrived quickly, and minutes before we had to leave, I remembered that it was yet to be wrapped. Life had been just a little bit crazy the last few weeks. Now that summer was over, the running around and juggling act soon became a reality again. Unfortunately, picking up some wrapping paper from the store was not top on my list.

In a panic, I decided to make do with what I had. I grabbed a recycled gift bag from the closet and placed the present inside. Although the gift was obviously too big for this bag, I had no other options and felt pretty confident that tissue paper could fix this. Then, I realized that I had none.

Remembering that an item I ordered recently online was wrapped in gold tissue paper, I quickly ran to the recycle bin and fished it out. A conveniently placed piece of ribbon that my daughter didn’t put away from the day before sat lying on the counter and finished the look. Voila! The gift was ready to go.

When I took a step back, I admired my ingenuity, but recognized that the gift looked pathetic. It was a wrinkled, mismatched mess. And the worst part was that there was no time to do anything about it! Off to the party we went.

Things were going well until present time arrived. Of course, my interior designer sister-in-law’s present was up first. As you would expect, her presents are always wrapped in Pinterest worthy fashion. So when my present came up, I began to squirm in my seat, completely ashamed of the presentation of my gift. However, what happened next made all the embarrassment quickly fade away.

My father-in-law looked at the gift, unaffected by the exterior, and pulled the present right out of the bag. The expression of gratitude on his face made the gift-wrapping disaster fall to the wayside. He was truly excited and touched by the gift we purchased.

As the saying goes, it’s what’s on the inside that counts. I know this, but I sometimes allow my perfectionism to get the best of me. And sometimes, this transfers to other areas of my life. Can anyone relate?

All too often, we, as women, focus on superficial nonsense. We worry about the way we dress, our weight, our hair and make-up, the car we drive, and other worldly measures that don’t mean a thing. We tend to equate our exterior presentation with our worth. That’s ridiculous!

God is not interested in how we present, but very much interested in the condition of our hearts. We spend too much time on shallow pursuits, and not enough time working on our interior.

Ladies, it’s time to stop getting all wrapped up on the exterior, and remember that it’s what’s on the inside that counts!

For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. – 1 Samuel 16:7, NKJV



We hope that you will be able to join us for the “The Power Within” Conference on Saturday, October 29th, from 9:00 a.m. – 2:oo p.m. at the The Cornerstone Church in Cheshire, Connecticut. We are expecting a refreshing time with the Lord. Early bird pricing is available through 9/30/16.

For tickets, go to: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-power-within-womens-conference-tickets-25701743607

God Hears Your Cry


All across the world, women in need are crying out to God. These women are undergoing severe hardships, extreme sadness, and overwhelming difficulties. To be honest, it amazes me to know that God can touch each of these lives all at the same time. But, He can. The Lord is right there in the midst of each of these situations ready and able to move. To the woman in the hospital bed who is feeling hopeless, anxious, and afraid, God sees your pain. You have been patiently waiting for a miracle, and doubt is starting to settle in. Don't give up. God does still heal today.

"But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed." – Isaiah 53:5

To the woman who feels invisible, like nothing she does matters, know that God sees you. In fact, He sees all that you do. You are precious in His sight, and He wants you to know that you are His beloved.

“You are the God who sees me.” – Genesis 16:13

To the woman whose marriage is falling apart, nothing is too difficult for our Lord. It's not over until God says it's over. He can take the most impossible situation and bring complete restoration. Just put all your trust in Him.

“So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” – Matthew 19:6

To the woman who can't make ends meet, whose bills are so far behind that there is no way out in sight, know that God is in this. You may not see it in the natural, but fortunately we serve a supernatural God. Hold on to His promises.

"But those who seek the Lord lack no good thing." – Psalm 34:10

To the woman whose child has turned his back on God, know that God sees every one of your tears. He knows you are hurting, but He wants you to trust Him still. God loves your child more than you do, and although you can't see it, God is moving behind the scenes.

“‘For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ So they began to celebrate.” – Luke 15:24

And to the woman crippled with fear and anxiety, lean on Him. God wants you to rest in His peace. Allow the presence of God to permeate every inch of your soul. Let go of all the lies that the enemy has told you, and grasp hold of the truth of God.

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." – 2 Timothy 1:7

Ladies, it doesn't matter how many requests are being called out to God right now – He hears them all. You matter to Him. He can bring hope like no one or no thing can. Keep your eyes on Him.

“I lift up my eyes to the mountains – where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” – Psalm 121:1-2


We hope that you will be able to join us for the “The Power Within” Conference on Saturday, September 24th from 9:00 a.m. – 2:oo p.m. at the Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield, Massachussets. Additionally, we will be offering a second conference in Cheshire, Connecticut at The Cornerstone Church on Saturday, October 29th. We are expecting a refreshing time with the Lord.

For tickets to the Springfield event, go to:


For tickets to the Cheshire event, go to:


Five Lies Christians Believe

I am very blessed to be part of a family of believers. With this comes family members who can encourage you biblically. Just the other day, I had a great conversation with my brother – full of encouragement – and boy did I need it. Our conversation then shifted into a discussion about lies that people mistakenly believe about being a Christian. These lies are very dangerous. If believed as true, one’s faith can be shaken the moment life contradicts these myths. One might wonder why such things are happening, question if they really hear God, and potentially even question His existence. A downhill spiral of discouragement and confusion could follow.

In order to prevent this disaster, I devote this blog to some common lies Christians believe.

  1. Opposition must mean that God is telling you no.

False. In many instances, opposition and/or delay is often the biggest confirmation that we are doing exactly what God has instructed us to do. The enemy hates our obedience, and he will do anything to derail God’s plan for our life. Very often, we abandon what we’ve been asked to do the moment things become difficult. We think that surely God doesn’t want us to continue down this path if it is paved with opposition.

Don’t be hasty. It so important to pray for discernment to determine if God is closing the door, if the enemy is just trying to discourage you, or if God is checking to see if you will remain obedient when obstacles are placed in your path.

  1. Everything good is from God.

Lie. If we truly believe this, we will spend our lives down a fruitless path pursuing things God never intended for us. God has a specific plan and purpose for each of our lives, uniquely designed for us. He wants us to follow that path, not chase every good thing we see. We can’t allow the enticement of good things get in the way of the best things God has planned for us.

“Just because it's good doesn't mean it is God. But if it's God, it's always good.” – Kip Anderson

  1. The Christian life is paved with comfort.

Big Lie. This is one of the biggest misconceptions Christians believe. We think that as soon as we become Christians, life is going to become easy. Life gets simpler, but certainly not easier. In fact, we are to expect trials and persecutions. But, by placing our hope and confidence in Jesus Christ, He will get us through any hardship life sends our way.

Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy. – 1 Peter 4:12-13

  1. We will no longer struggle with sin once we commit our lives to the Lord.

Wrong. It takes a moment to become a Christian, but a lifetime to become like Christ. None of us are without sin, but His grace is enough to cover it all. That is why Jesus’s death on the cross is so powerful. It sets us free and gives us the power to overcome the temptation of sin. Be encouraged. Being tempted in and of itself is not a sin, but allowing it to manifest in action is. God always gives you a way out. Take it!

No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it. – 1 Corinthians 10:13

  1. Your sin is too big for God to forgive.

This is the biggest lie of the enemy spoken to both Christians and non-Christians alike. The last thing he wants you to do is submit your life to the Lord. So, the enemy tells us we are not worthy or good enough to draw near to God. He spews lies that we’ve passed the threshold of forgiveness, that our deeds are just too despicable, or that God is too angry with us to have a relationship with Him.

If this sounds like something you are struggling with, silence these lies now in the name of Jesus! Jesus longs for a relationship with all of us. His hope is that all come to salvation in Him.

 Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. – Romans 10:13

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Will You Lay It Down?

Ever since I was a little girl, I have had dreams and plans that God has put in my heart. Some of them were your standard little girl dreams – getting married, having a family and owning a dog. Others were bigger and grander. As seasons of my life change, the Lord continually instills new dreams in my heart – dreams that I have and will obediently run after. In fact, God has deposited dreams and desires inside all of us. You have heard me say many times that God has a purpose and a plan for each of us. And, there is nothing more fulfilling than achieving these plans, knowing that we are fulfilling our purpose here on Earth.

But sometimes, right when you feel like you’ve figured everything out, God can throw a curve ball in your life. He can add a detour to the path that He started you on. As uneasy as this can feel, God will sometimes ask us if we are willing to lay down the very thing He had us chase.

Lay it down? Why? Why would God ask us to do such a thing? Why would He have us spend all this time and effort chasing things that He ultimately would have us let go of? It all comes down to trust, a lesson that Abraham knew all too well.

Abraham and Sarah desperately wanted a child, but Sarah was barren. Abraham could not understand how the amazing promise God gave him could come to be. God clearly promised Abraham that he would have son, and through this son, a mighty nation would be formed.

“Look up at the sky and count the stars – if indeed you can count them.” Then he said to him, “so shall your offspring be.” – Genesis 15:5

And just as God promised, at the age of 90, Sarah bore Abraham a son, and she named him Isaac just as God had instructed. To many, you would think this was the end of the story, but what happens next is what always intrigued me. The Lord asks Abraham to bring this long awaited child to the region of Moriah and lay him down at the altar as a sacrifice.

Yes, the Lord asked Abraham to lay down the very thing he had been waiting for – the fulfillment of his promise – something he waited decades for. Why would God ask Abraham to do something like this? Why would God want him to lay his fulfilled promise down? To test his faith, that’s why. God wanted to see if Abraham was able to trust Him even when it didn’t make sense in the natural.

Mercifully, God supplied another sacrifice and stopped Abraham from harming Isaac. Let me make it clear, it was never God’s intention for Abraham to see this through. This is not God’s nature.

Ladies, sometimes God is going to ask us to lay things down – dreams, jobs, material things, and even ministries. Often, He is just checking to see if we will be obedient, and other times, He will ask us to see it through.

Are you willing to lay your dreams down? Are you willing to let go of the very thing you spent years pursuing to obey the Lord? Will you trust that God has something better in store, or out of fear and control will you hang on to a dream that God no longer has for you? I know this can be a daunting task, but, if God is asking, I promise you that greater things are ahead.

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When You See It, Say It! (by guest blogger Rachel Axtmann)

On the exterior, I am a glass half full optimist. But, if I really let you in on a personal level, you might notice I can be more of a glass half empty thinker. As a mom, I tend to doubt myself. But even when I was working, I would often question by abilities there as well. In either arena, I often question how am I doing and wonder if I am doing enough? With my children, am I balancing love, discipline, encouragement, and consistency? Am I instilling my faith into my children’s lives, not just a religion, but a relationship with their creator? Are they learning enough? Are they behaving and being kind to others? In reality, the list can go on and on.

I struggle with self-doubt, and this can quickly turn into negativity in my mind. I often don’t give myself much credit for the good, but tend to focus on the shortcomings. It can be a dark and lonely place inside my own head.

Am I alone in this or can you relate? Are you ever prone to feeling down or having self-doubt? I think we all are on some degree. We even see Paul in the scriptures struggle with similar feelings. Let’s take a look:

For when we came into Macedonia, we had no rest, but we were harassed at every turn—conflicts on the outside, fears within. But God, who comforts the downcast, comforted us by the coming of Titus. – 2 Corinthians 7:5-6

Paul was feeling a bit discouraged. His line, “conflicts on the outside and fears within” resonates with me. We all face conflict. Some small, some great. But like Paul, I also have fears on the inside. With these feelings so prevalent, how does God respond? In His all-knowing, loving-kindness, He sends along a friend. Titus comes to Paul and brings him comfort. Titus provides encouragement. What’s interesting to me in this instance is that God didn’t take away Paul’s troubles or fears, but rather sends along a companion to comfort. Paul certainly still faced opposition, however his friend Titus’ words and presence lifted his spirit. Sometimes in life, we all need a Titus.

How can we follow God’s lead here? How can we use our lives to be like Titus? I believe one of the greatest gifts we can give to each other isn’t anything material. It’s 100% free. It’s easy to give and requires very little effort, but yet so many of us find it hard or uncomfortable to give. I am talking about encouragement.

How often do you notice something about someone else? If you’re like me, you notice all kinds of things. How a person cares for themselves, how they speak, their mannerisms, how they respond, how they spend their spare time, their work ethic . . . on and on. Some of these things I observe within just a few moments, others take some time while getting to know a person. However, through my observations, there is ALWAYS something praiseworthy.

Do you know that God wants to use all of us to speak out these areas of admiration in others? If we notice something good, by all means, we need to SAY IT! I have observed an interesting phenomenon in this stage of life. We often notice something good, think it, and either say nothing OR we mention it to someone else.

Do we withhold praise or encouragement because we are afraid of puffing up one’s ego? Do we withhold encouragement because of our own insecurities? Do we withhold it because we are waiting for the other person to acknowledge something positive in us first? I’m not certain, but what I do know is that you could do a world of good in someone’s heart, mind, attitude and disposition by telling them the good you see in them.

None of us are perfect. We all have things we need to work on, but why not choose be a Titus? Why not encourage? We can’t take away life's problems, but we can lift or lighten the load with a genuine word of praise or affirmation. I think of all of the children who long to hear a genuine word from their parents. I think of all of the spouses who just long to be appreciated or recognized. I think of all the stay at home moms, or hard working employees, who would be so lifted by a positive word. Let’s not wait to receive it ourselves. Let’s make a vow to not withhold it from others. Let’s freely give the free gift of encouragement.

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up. – 1 Thessalonians 5:11


Hurricane Season

Well, it's official. Hurricane season is upon us. It’s been relatively quiet so far, but from what I've been hearing, this could be a bad year for storms. Temperatures are warmer than normal, which makes it ideal for storm formation and sustainability. Fortunately, in Connecticut, we don't get many storms that actually hit us. Most often, they turn out to sea, absent Hurricane Sandy and Hurricane Irene, of course. For the most part, we simply track the storm, buy our obligatory milk and bread, and pray that we will stay safe.

Sound familiar? This also sounds very much like the Christian prayer life. We are constantly faced with news of impending hurricanes. From something suspicious in our health to concerns over the well being of our children. We recognize that at any moment, the storm can organize and hit us straight on.

And, that's when our prayer game steps up. We track the storm, make the obligatory preparations, and pray with fervency that the storm doesn’t hit us. And like most hurricanes, the storm turns out to sea. As a result, our faith in God gets stronger.

But, what if the hurricane doesn't turn out to sea? What if the storm hits you straight on? What will your faith look like then?

I am going to be completely transparent with you for a moment in an area that I have been relatively private. Two years ago, my hurricane season began. And this time, the storm did not go out to sea. Up until this point, my faith had only been tested in the hypothetical. What I mean by that is I had encountered my fair share of impending storms, but God had spared me from getting hit straight on, until then.

Two years ago, I went to bed seemingly healthy and woke up sick. Two years ago, I learned that my random inflammation issues were anything but random, which resulted in a diagnosis that I wasn't prepared to hear. I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, an autoimmune disease that attacks the joints causing chronic pain and is potentially debilitating. I now realize how easy it is to trust God when things are going picture perfect. It is quite another thing to trust Him when your world doesn’t make sense.

I know that I am not alone in this. Storms sometimes make landfall. They don't always go out to sea. What then? Will your faith in God crumble? Will you turn away from Him? Or, will you still trust Him when the rains and the winds are pounding overhead?

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. – Isaiah 43:2

Ladies, God never promised us that we wouldn't walk through the fire. But, He did promise that He would always see us through and never leave our side. I guarantee you that if you remain in Him during the storm, you will come out stronger and more powerful than you did going in.

Two years ago was a very frightening time in my life. But, I can tell you that my faith in God never waivered, it just increased exponentially, something I am eternally grateful for. By trusting in the Father's plan, I have become stronger in faith than I could have ever hoped for. I have learned to trust Him no matter what.

My storm is not over. This story is not finished. I am still waiting for complete healing, as I am confident God will do. But until then, I lean in to Him for strength. I’d much rather be in the middle of a hurricane with Jesus by my side, than be in the calm all by myself.

When the storms of life come, the wicked are whirled away, but the godly have a lasting foundation. – Proverbs 10:25

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In the Face of Adversity

“What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.” I don’t know about you, but it really irritates me when someone says this to me in the middle of a trial, even if it is said with good intentions. The last thing I want to hear is that my hardship is somehow good for me. But the truth is, sometimes this is correct. Sometimes, the very thing I resent most in my life is the very thing that makes me a better version of myself. My son, who just completed his freshman year of high school, shared with me his assertion statement that he used and supported on his English final. It really struck a chord with me.

“I suggest true identity is revealed during one’s response to the challenges that he faces.” – Brett Landmon

True identity. Hmmm. His claim suggests that a person’s identity isn’t fully realized until he has been challenged. In other words, you really don’t become you until you have endured and reacted to life’s difficult moments. This makes trials an integral part in one’s development.

I know I am getting philosophical here, but bear with me. God is a God of love. And like a parent, He wants us to become the best us we can be. With that being said, He allows us to undergo difficulties and trials so that we emerge into strong, faith-filled people. The result is an identity found in Him, and Him alone.

Let’s look at the life of Joseph. There is no better example in the Bible regarding this truth. Joseph had a dream from the Lord, showing him that one day he would be ruling over his brothers. Like a normal teenage boy, he was excited about what the future held. Naively, Joseph didn’t comprehend the road ahead. It was a road that would be marked with difficulty and hardship – betrayal, slavery, seduction, and prison.

I’m guessing that young Joseph may not have been so excited about his future if he had seen what he had to go through in order to get there. However, all these challenging circumstances were necessary to develop his identity. It grew his faith, confirmed his commitment to God, and ultimately prepared him to lead a country and save it and his entire family from famine.

Some of you have seen glimpses of your future, maybe even through a dream or prophetic word like Joseph. Yet, your current situation doesn’t line up with what you thought your future held. You feel defeated, and the dreams once inside of you are starting to fade away.

Please don’t let today’s trial prevent you from embracing your future. Life may be hard. It may not make sense. But, if you are truly submitted to God and His ways, one day it will come to be. You are in the process of building your identity. As you go through each trial, God is preparing you for the next step, building spiritual muscle and leaving a trail of His faithfulness in your path.

Remember, God didn’t change his mind about Joseph. And, God hasn’t changed his mind about you. God knows what it required to prepare you for your destiny. So ladies, follow Joseph’s example. Don’t become bitter. Let your trials and hardships help you become better.

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. – James 1:2-4

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Hope for the Brokenhearted

(A message to Brock Turner’s victim and all women who are the victim of sexual assault.) Dear Sweet Friend,

In light of all the controversy surrounding your attack, I felt it necessary to reach out to you in love, one woman to another. Even though I can’t begin to comprehend the pain you are going through, I want you to know that I am praying for you. In fact, women all across the world are rallying behind you, sending you love and support.

When heinous acts like this occur, people like to blame the culture or the alcohol, and yes, these are all contributors to this type of violence. But, I want you to know this kind of evil is not new. This kind of evil has sought to destroy women since the beginning of time. We even see two instances of rape recorded in the Old Testament – Jacob’s daughter, Dinah, and King David’s daughter, Tamar.

You see, the strategy of the enemy is to try to destroy the worth of women. And, unfortunately, he is often successful. But, I don’t want this to be the case for you. I don’t want you to be another statistic, especially when I know that God can restore you.

I can only imagine what this violation has done to your self-esteem. Besides the obvious post-traumatic stress that robs you of your present peace, it also seeks to destroy your future. Brock’s father has downplayed this act as 20 minutes of poor judgment, but I know that your healing will take years.

This kind of violation strips a woman down of her worth and self-value. She feels used and damaged. She likely questions her future, her destiny, and her contribution to society. But, please know that these, too, are lies of the enemy.

You are a beautiful woman created in the image of God. He has plans and fullness of life still ahead for you, despite this horrible event. He is able to turn your brokenness into healing, and your hurt back into joy.

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." – Jeremiah 29:11

So, as you continue down your healing path, I encourage you to reach out to Jesus. Allow Him to permeate every inch of your heart. Lean on Him, and become the woman He intended you to be. Don’t let this vile act define you. Life is not over, it just took a detour. There is always hope with Jesus by your side.

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. – Psalm 34:18

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