Sorry to talk about the weather again, but we have experienced some crazy weather patterns in New England this year. Our latest run has been monsoon season – well at least it has felt that way. Just a couple days ago, I watched my husband take our dog outside in yet another torrential downpour. I felt so badly for them. Rain pelted from the sky soaking everything in its path, including my husband and sweet puppy.
Fortunately, I sat dry and comfortable in the confines of my house. I knew it was raining. I saw it was raining. In fact, I heard it rain, but I didn’t experience the rain like they did. I was just a spectator.
Interestingly, as Christians, I feel like we do the same thing. We watch on the sidelines as others develop their faith, and as others roll up their sleeves and participate in promoting God’s purposes on Earth. We see God moving and we believe it to be true, but we aren’t experiencing the Christian life the way that God intends.
Real faith requires action. It only truly develops when we live it out – when we experience the presence of God first hand, not simply by watching others. You see, Christianity is not a spectator sport.
It’s so easy today to read a devotional or a great book filled with spiritual truths that have been revealed to someone else. We do grow to some extent, but the most effective way to grow is when we hear God ourselves by spending quiet time with just Him. Furthermore, we need to be active with our faith, living out the truths as the Word of God commands, not sitting idly by assuming someone else will go in our place. Share the gospel, make a meal for an elderly neighbor, pray for a sick friend, or volunteer in children’s ministry. These are just a few ways we can be active in our faith and make an impact for Christ in our community.
As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. – 1 Peter 4:10
Ladies, true Christianity isn’t living off someone else’s accounts of God’s faithfulness nor is it being just a recipient of God’s blessings. It requires action and personal experience to make it real. It’s not enough to go to church and be fed. We need to receive spiritual revelation for ourselves. We need to be the church and serve. Every woman needs to roll up her sleeves and participate in God’s plans and purposes. Don’t be afraid to get wet and saturated with the things of God. We were never meant to be just spectators!