Welcome to My Blog!

I had an opportunity to attend She Speaks 2014 in Concord, North Carolina this past summer. As you would imagine, there was a special anointing that fell on that event. It was awesome, overwhelming, and life giving, all at the same time. That first morning, almost 800 women and I eagerly walked into a huge banquet room filled with anticipation of what God was going to do in us and through us that weekend. As I made my way to the front of the room, to get the closest seat possible, I finally settled for a seat, secretly wishing I were just a little bit closer to the platform. But this seat would have to do.

Now some time into the conference, Lysa Terkeurst mentions that there is a scroll with a scripture verse placed at everyone’s seat. She continues that the staff at Proverbs 31 spent countless hours asking God for specific scriptures to include in these scrolls to bless the women attending. They prayed that the Holy Spirit would direct the right woman to the right scripture. See, as I was making my way through the crowded banquet room, I thought my seat was happenstance, but in fact, it was the result of the fervent prayer of some faithful women.

Well, as you would imagine, I eagerly tore the little ribbon off the scroll to find this verse:

Psalm 107:2, “Let the redeemed of the LORD tell their story—those he redeemed from the hand of the foe.

So as I launch my blog, I reflect on that scripture verse and realize, in perfect clarity, what God has called me to do. I am here to tell you my story. It’s time to get real!