When He Does

Ten lepers – unclean, contagious, and suffering with tremendous pain. They lived in total isolation because no one would come within six feet of them, not even their families. Leprosy is a degenerative disease that attacks both the body and the nervous system. Occasionally, an infected person can go into remission, but this is highly unlikely. These ten lepers were desperate because this diagnosis was practically a death sentence. Hearing that Jesus was coming through their village, the men went to look for Him. From a distance, they called out to Jesus.

“Jesus, Master, have pity on us!” – Luke 17:13

Moved with compassion, and seeing their faith, Jesus instructs the men to present themselves to the priest and they would be healed.

And as they went, they were cleansed. – Luke 17:14

Interestingly, the scriptures state that only one returned to thank Jesus for healing him from this horrific disease. All ten men were healed, but only one was moved with gratitude and thanksgiving for what the Lord did in his life. What happened to the other nine? Just a few hours before, they were eagerly longing for a touch from Jesus. Now that they received their healing, they totally forgot about Him.

Ladies, isn’t this often the case in our lives? We get so desperate for Jesus when we need something – healing, breakthrough, or salvation. But, what happens to us when He does answer our plea? Are we moved with heartfelt gratitude and thanksgiving that we can’t do anything else but return to Jesus with arms open wide? Or, do we instantly forget what He’s done for us and go about our daily routine?

Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?” – Luke 17:17-18

Jesus expects thankfulness. The scriptures clearly show His disappointment in the nine who didn’t return. Where would you fall in this story? Are you the one who is overwhelmed with love and gratitude and returns? Or, are you one of the nine who forgets the true source of your breakthrough? Ask yourself this question today, “what will you do when He does?”

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