When You Are Not Enough


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I'm still recuperating after last week’s women’s conference, and I simply cannot let go of the message God has placed on my heart. I have witnessed first-hand how strong the enemy comes after God’s people, especially when they are pursuing God’s assignment. I can’t stress enough how we must fight our way through all the obstacles and attacks that the enemy may throw our way. Otherwise, we will never fully realize our God-given destinies.

“Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called . . .” – 1 Timothy 6:12

But today, I want to focus on one attack that the devil uses against us all – telling us that we are not qualified or worthy enough to be used by God. He cleverly takes captive your thoughts and tells you that you are not smart enough, talented enough, or simply good enough for God’s purposes. And the truth is, you are not. I am not. None of us are. That is, none of us are apart from God.

We have a tendency to look introspectively at our lives, evaluating all the skills we can offer the Lord. This is probably because we have been taught to think like this since grade school. The world’s model for success suggests that you learn a skill, work hard, and eventually move your way into a position that you are equipped to handle. This isn’t necessarily how God operates.

You see, the Lord loves to call the unqualified and the weak, because His power and might are demonstrated most in our insufficiencies. He likes to stretch us and use us in a way that we aren’t necessarily familiar with. God loves to take a woman outside her comfort zone because she must rely solely on Him for strength. It is out of this desperation that our faith grows and we mature spiritually.

Ladies, you may be resisting God’s nudge for the next step in your life because you are afraid of failing. That’s probably because you are only looking at what you can accomplish in the natural. I get it. But, I promise you this, that if God is asking you to do something, He will equip you with supernatural power.

Remember, there is no shortage of women He could have asked to do the task that He's asking you to do. But He chose you . . . for a reason. So, stop resisting. Stop making excuses. Stop talking yourself out of pursuing God’s path. And the next time the enemy says you are not enough, I want you to remind him that your God is!

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” – Philippians 4:13