What Do You Reflect?


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What do you reflect? Take a few seconds to think about this question. When people see you, can they see Jesus in you? Do you show love the way Jesus does? Have your actions changed since you became a Christian? Does what you do and say show others that you love Jesus?

Many people get caught up in what we are called to do. We know that God has big plans for our lives, and we strive to get to that point when we are walking in that plan. But, we often forget that God first called all of us to live like Jesus.

"For God called you to do good, even if it means suffering, just as Christ suffered for you. He is your example, and you must follow in his steps." — 1 Peter 2:21

No matter what stage of your life you are in, remember to live your life as a reflection of Jesus. Even in seasons of rest, your purpose is still found in Him. Use your life as a testimony to others. Show them that God radically saved your life and wants to save them too. Make them want to hear about what makes you different from others. Many people will never pick up a Bible or head to church, but your actions may make all the difference. Live each day as a reflection of Christ.

Can I Please Go Back to Quarantine?


You may read that title and think I’m totally crazy, but the truth is, I’m just tired. I welcomed the “new normal” with open arms. I was so excited to see people, hug them, and walk into a store without wearing a mask. But, the new normal brought back some of the old normal that I wish I could have left there – the demanding schedules, the running here and there and everywhere, and saying yes to everything that comes my way so I can be my busy, busy, busy self. Have I not learned anything from quarantine?

The Bible story of Martha and Mary always comes to mind when I find myself getting “too busy.” Jesus told Martha that she was anxious about many things. Martha was running around, preparing dinner, and making sure the house was guest-worthy. And yet, Mary was the one doing the right thing by simply sitting at the feet of Jesus. 

But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.” - Luke 10:41-42

What did I learn from quarantine that I must carry with me today? I learned that rest is important. I know it was a forced rest, and it made us unplug from everyone and everything, but to be honest, I really liked it (at first anyway). Being home with the family was nice. I was able to work on projects that I had put off for a long time. I took time to really be in God’s presence and truly rest. Sometimes we need to remember to be still and just be with God.

Be still, and know that I am God. - Psalm 46:10

I might not be able to go back into quarantine, at least without my family thinking I’m crazy, but I am able to make some schedule adjustments – to say no to things, to tackle those projects that are important to me, to plan family days (and actually stick to them), and to pencil in “God time” each and every day. I learned that if I put God first, He will make everything else fall into place. I just need to remember to go to Him first.

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. - Matthew 11:28-30

I guess I actually don’t want to go back into quarantine. I really do like being out in the world again, and the hugs – I really like the hugs. I just need to remember what I learned during quarantine – to take the time to be still and rest, even if I have to schedule it. Then and only then will I be able to continue to embrace this new normal with open arms. 

Finding Your Way Back



I have a love-hate relationship with my GPS. It gets me where I need to go when I need to go in the fastest method possible. It keeps me from getting lost. It keeps me out of neighborhoods that aren’t safe. And, it lets me know when there is an accident or traffic ahead. I honestly don’t know how I survived my early days of driving without it. 

With that said, I still sometimes think I know better than it does. I try to take short cuts, choose a route slightly different than the one it suggests, and often take wrong turns. That’s when it gets annoyed with me. At first, it suggests that I simply turn around and return to the designated route. But usually I am too stubborn for that. When I commit, I commit. And that’s when the recalculating feature starts happening. Fortunately for me, the ultimate goal of the GPS is to get me to my destination no matter how off course I get. It will continually readjust its navigational path until I get back on track. 

Does this process sound a little familiar? Our Heavenly Father has a purpose and plan for each of our lives. He also has a specific route that He has designed for each of us to achieve it. He so wants us to follow His perfect path. However, we often deviate from it. 

When that happens, the Holy Spirit will often give us a nudge or a warning to turn around and return to His designated route. But unfortunately, we often ignore His prompt and proceed on the path that we think is best. When this happens, we may find ourselves in a dangerous area that we have no business being in. You see, God’s path is best not simply because it is His, but because His path is always marked with safety, spiritual growth, and opportunities to do His work.

There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death. – Psalm 14:12

Thankfully, our God is so gracious. He always wants us to return to the path He designed for us, and He will provide alternative paths to get us back on track. The only question that remains is will we listen? Will we heed His warning? Will we decide in our hearts that His ways are better that our ways even if we don’t understand or agree with Him at the time.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” – Isaiah 55:8-9

Ladies, take a moment and look at the path that you are on right now? Is it God’s path or yours? No matter how painful or uncomfortable it is at the time, your course may need a little readjusting. Remember, with God it’s never too late to find your way back. 

Stop Doing and Just Be


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So often we think that we need to do more to earn God’s love – more Bible studies, more Bible chapters read each day, more prayer groups, more volunteer time, more productivity. If we just do more, He will love us more, right? Not at all! 

Ladies, we need to walk away from the mentality of always doing, and sometimes, just be. Be still in His presence. Be sensitive to His prompting and His nudges. Be aware of the atmosphere that you are in. Be lost in the moment as you spend sweet time alone with Jesus. 

So why is it that we think the only way to go deeper with Jesus is by doing more? Scripture says, “Draw near to Him and He will draw near to you,” not do more for Him, and He will draw near to you. I talk to so many women who have exhausted themselves trying do all the “right” things so that they can have a deeper relationship with the Lord. But in this pursuit, they have missed the very thing that He so desires to have with us – intimacy!

Please don’t misunderstand, these efforts are all great things and very much necessary, but they should never replace time at the feet of Jesus. We see this play out in the account of two sisters, Mary and Martha. Martha was so busy doing things for Jesus that she missed out on the moments with Him. Mary chose what was better, sat at His feet, and basked in His presence.

“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” – Luke 10:41-42

Doing work for the Kingdom of God is noble and honorable. However, if you pour yourself out without allowing the Lord to refresh and rejuvenate your spirit, you will be ineffective and lose your vision. Stop doing and be. 

Attending Bible studies and church events are beneficial for your Christian walk. But attending to the point of burnout will leave you exhausted and resentful. Stop doing and be. 

Daily prayer time is essential, but doing all the talking and never allowing the Lord to respond will often leave you feeling lonely and distant from Him. Stop doing and be. 

Reading the Bible is crucial for your spiritual development. The Word of God is alive and active, but reading for quantity not quality will only leave you empty and unsatisfied. Take time to meditate on the Word, and allow it to transform your mind and spirit. Stop doing and be. 

God desires for you to know Him in a personal way. He wants to confide in you, reveal His heart, share secrets of the Kingdom, and impart revelation. God wants a relationship! Stop doing and just be.  

Have You Spent Time With Jesus?


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Ordinary. Average. Run of the mill. Not special. These certainly aren’t words that we hope people use to describe us. But if we were completely honest, this is often how we feel. And, you wouldn’t be alone. 

When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus. – Act 4:13

Peter and John were just as they described them – ordinary and unschooled. But that wasn’t the end of their story. There was something different about them – something that made them stand out and made people take notice. The uninterrupted time that they spent with Jesus did something to them. It increased their wisdom, knowledge, and boldness for Him.

When I read accounts like this in the Bible, I often pause and do a little introspection. What do people say about me? Can they tell that I spent time with Jesus? Do my actions and words tell that narrative, or something quite the contrary? 

What about you? When dealing with a difficult person, do you respond with love or impatience? What do you say when you are facing an impossible situation? Do you speak words of hope and life, or rather fear and doubt? Are you outspoken about your faith, or do you feel intimidated and threatened that you might offend someone? 

Well, depending on how you answered these questions, you may want to spend some more time with Jesus. Allow time in His presence to transform you from the inside out. Let Him embolden you, empower you, and give you wisdom that only He can offer.

 Dear Lord,

My prayer today is that every word I speak and every behavior I display brings testimony back to you of your supernatural, transforming power that is alive and active in my life. Let everyone I encounter today recognize that I spent time with you. Amen.

I Will Be Thankful in All Things


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The last few days have not been my most shining moments. I’m not sure if it’s because we are entering our ninth month of the pandemic or because my family and I have been quarantined for the last two weeks because of three separate COVID-19 exposures. But in either case, my attitude has gone from “let’s look at the gift God is giving us in this season” to “2020 really stinks!”

Thanksgiving is my favorite time of year, and it’s my holiday to host. It’s a special time to celebrate all of God’s blessings – no presents – just family coming together focusing on His goodness. With more restrictions mounting by the day and trying to follow all the safety precautions, I am struggling to have a “be thankful in all things” heart. In fact, my heart has been filled with a lot of frustration and self-pity. Anyone else?

“I want to do Thanksgiving the way I always do it. I love my traditions. My plans have been hijacked,” were just a few of the thoughts replaying across my mind this past week. Then the Holy Spirit gently pointed out – at three o’clock in the morning, no less – that there was an awful lot of “I” and “my” in my thinking. And immediately, I was convicted. 

You see, my perspective was way off. My heart was out of alignment with God’s. I was complaining that the holiday for thankfulness and gratitude wasn’t going to look like or feel like what I wanted. Did you catch that? I was complaining that I couldn’t celebrate my thankfulness to God in the way that I wanted or was accustomed to. It actually seems ridiculous to even admit. 

God reminded me that I need to be thankful in all things, not just when things go my way. So, if you are feeling discouraged, ungrateful, and generally unhappy with the way the holidays are looking, let me invite you to read the scriptures below, reminding us how important thanksgiving is to our Heavenly Father. I hope that they put everything into the right perspective as we close out this year. 

I will give thanks to the Lord because of his righteousness; I will sing the praises of the name of the Lord Most High. – Psalm 7:17 

I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving. – Psalm 69:30

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations. – Psalm 100:4-5


Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. – Ephesians 5:19-20


So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. – Colossians 2:6-7


Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Pick Up Your Head


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I recently made a decision. A big one. I deleted social media from my phone. Now this isn’t in any way a condemnation towards social media. In fact, you are probably reading this blog on one of those platforms right now. However, having this easy access on my phone became a distraction for me. Any time I had a free moment, I would quickly grab my phone and aimlessly scroll through my feed wasting countless minutes of my day. I realized that this mindless preoccupation needed to end. 

I was recently at a doctor’s appointment where I normally would have spent the entire time in the waiting room scrolling through my phone. Instead, I decided to keep my phone in my pocketbook, pick up my head, and just look around. Here’s what I saw. Not surprisingly, most of the room had their eyes fixed on their screens. However, I was still able to exchange smiles, even with masks on, with the woman sitting across from me. I also observed another woman – a very nervous woman – in the room, which gave me the opportunity to pray for her. And, I spotted a son lovingly and patiently caring for his elderly mother. What I saw was life playing out all around me. 

Here’s what I’m learning. Social distancing isn’t separating people – our phones are! There are people out there that are worthy of seeing and noticing. There are people who need a smile, even if it is only visible above the mask. We are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus. How can we be if we are too preoccupied with our phones?

Again, I am not condemning social media. I will continue to use it as necessary – from my desktop. But for me, deleting it from my phone has removed the temptation to distract me when there are better opportunities around me. And even if there aren’t, just sitting quiet is something our minds don’t often get to do. 

I am responsible to God in how I use my time. Obviously, there is nothing sinful about looking at social media. But often there is nothing beneficial about it either!

“Everything is permissible,” but not everything is beneficial. “Everything is permissible,” but not everything is edifying. – 1 Corinthians 10:23

No Shame in the Struggle


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Everyone struggles with something at some point in their life. I’ve been there, and I’m sure you have been there too. We can’t expect that just because we are Christians, we won’t go through any hard times. The Bible does not say that life will be all roses and cupcakes. In fact, it says that “in this world you will have trouble.” 

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. - John 16:33 

We all are going to deal with some troubles at some point in life. And that’s ok. Knowing that we are not perfect should not make us feel any less of a Christian. There shouldn’t be shame in the struggle. 

Have you ever been asked how you are doing and you respond with the standard, “I’m good,” even when you really aren’t? Why is that? Why are we trying to hide the pain? Are we afraid of being judged for going through struggles as a Christian? Will people wonder if we don’t have faith? Will they think we have some secret sin that brought about our hardship? Why is it that we feel we have to keep it to ourselves and feel shame about what we are going through?

During this time of quarantine, it has been easy to hide away and keep our struggles to ourselves. However, the step to getting freedom may require asking for help.

But first, bring your troubles to God, He will walk alongside you and help you.

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you. - Isaiah 43:2

Then, talk to someone you can trust that will pray for you, which may require finding a Christian Counselor to speak with. Do not be ashamed to ask for help! There is power when you come in agreement with a fellow prayer warrior and pray together. 

For where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there in the midst of them. - Matthew 18:20 

So, yes, in this world we will have troubles. All of us will. It’s ok to not be ok. It’s ok to ask for help. There is no shame in the struggle. We will get through this. Let’s show each other grace and help each other get through these times of trouble together. 

Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in that name. - 1 Peter 4:16

Obedience Today, Destiny Tomorrow


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Discovering God’s plan for our lives is something I think we all can agree is very important. What does God want me to do with my life? How will He use my story to help others? Why am I here? What is my destiny? These are just a few of the questions many of us have. And as important as these are, I caution you not to get so preoccupied looking into the future that you miss out on what God has planned for you in the here and now. 

You see, God has a series of assignments for each of us during the different seasons of our lives. Faithful completion of these assignments develops depth of character, patience, resolve and unshakeable faith. These things are all necessary in becoming the woman of God that He intends. We need to understand that God is more interested in our character than our calling. He is more interested in shaping us to be more and more like Him, than He is about promoting us.

Let’s take a look at the life of King David. Before David sat on any throne, David went through many years of preparation – preparation that was necessary for Him to be a ruler that is known as “a man after God’s own heart.” In fact, after Samuel anointed teenage David to be king, he had to wait many years to realize his ultimate calling. But that time wasn’t wasted.

During that time, David was tasked with many things, and he earnestly kept in step with God’s plan. He didn’t rush ahead to get to the “good stuff.” David obeyed God in every season of His life, even the not-so-glamourous moments, like taking care of sheep, playing the harp for his future adversary King Saul, and delivering lunch to his ungrateful brothers. David even had to endure a season on the run as King Saul sought to kill him. 

ALL OF THIS made up David’s story, not just his ultimate destination as King of Israel. And I believe that is why David was Israel’s greatest ruler. He never rushed God’s plans. 

Ladies, you will never get to do the things God has planned for you in the future if you are not obedient in doing the things He has asked you to do in the present. Read that again! 

I am certain that God is asking each of us for simple steps of obedience in this season. Will you obey? Don’t forsake the importance of raising children who serve the Lord. Don’t underestimate how powerful reaching out to a sick friend can be. Don’t belittle the small gesture of cleaning up after a church event. All of these acts of obedience are part of your story. God has great plans in store for you in the future, but whether or not you actually fulfill them depends on your obedience today.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11

Power Hungry


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When we hear the term “power hungry” we automatically think of the evil politician who broke the law for personal gain. Or maybe we associate that term with the young executive willing to do anything to get ahead. In either instance, power hungry rarely has a positive connotation.

However, if we were honest, we’d admit that we all long for power. Did you ever wonder why our culture loves super heroes so much? There is something inside each of us that wants more than this mundane life offers. And there is nothing wrong with that if we are pursuing God’s purposes because He designed us that way.

God has called us to live a supernatural life – one that shows the world that we serve a supernatural God. When Jesus walked the earth, He performed miracle after miracle. Why? Because He knew that people were full of disbelief. But watching a miracle transpire would soften their hearts and turn them to Him.

Jesus has called us to carry out His mission. Fortunately, He didn’t leave us to our own finite abilities. He gave us a gift – the gift of the Holy Spirit – the very spirit of God living inside of us. Jesus gave us power – “dunamis” power! This Greek word literally means dynamite. And we all know what power dynamite has. 

This dunamis power is the power to set us free in Christ Jesus. It is the power to transform us to become more and more like Him. It is the power to heal the sick. It is the power to perform miracles. It is the power to witness and testify of God’s goodness. It is the power to speak life and hear God’s voice. Dunamis power is available to all who believe.

But you shall receive power [dunamis] when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you shall be My witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. – Acts 1:8 

With all power, comes great responsibility. You must first allow the Holy Spirit to do a work in you before He will do a work through you. You need to fully submit to Him. Walking in the power of the Holy Spirit should never be about drawing attention to yourself; instead, it should always be about pointing people to Jesus. 

So, the question remains – are you power hungry? If you want to experience this supernatural gift, pause for a moment and simply invite Him in. 

If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him! – Luke 11:13

Trust the Craftsman


There is never a convenient time to start a kitchen renovation project in your home, but I can say with certainty that this past February was definitely not the best time to begin. And if the kitchen remodel wasn’t disruptive enough, we also decided to replace the hardwood floors throughout my entire downstairs. We were basically living in a construction zone with a makeshift kitchen on the second floor – microwave, mini fridge and a pancake griddle – that was it. But we were making do, knowing that it was just temporary and that the end result was going to be amazing. Then it got complicated . . . COVID-19 happened! 

The contractors could not continue to work on the project if we remained in our house, so we relocated until the project was complete. We had no choice but to trust that the contractors would finish the job with excellence. Seven weeks later, we were finally able to move back in. And as I now sit in my dream kitchen, I realize that all the demolition, all the inconvenience, and all the uncertainty was worth it! 

Reflecting back on this whirlwind remodel, I realize that we, as Christians, go through renovation seasons of our own – God removing some of the ugly, undesirable things in our lives only to put us back together more in His image. We may feel very much like my kitchen – stripped down to the basic studs, exposed and vulnerable with all our flaws on display, only for God to rebuild us in a more glorious way. He removes fear, and replaces it with unwavering faith. He strips away the pride, only to build us up in humility and His strength. He tears down the walls of unforgiveness and opens the heart to trust again. 

And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. – 2 Corinthians 3:18

This process showcases God’s great love for His children, transforming us to be more and more like Him. But during a renovation or refining season, a few things are clear. IT IS INCONVENIENT. IT IS UNCOMFORTABLE. IT IS UNSETTLING. AND IT REQUIRES TREMENDOUS AMOUNTS OF PATIENCE. 

We need to understand that God wants to create the best version of us. He never wants us to settle for good enough. And through each refinement, we need to believe that God is going to do a beautiful work in us, just like the contractors did in my kitchen. Listen, no one said you have to like the renovation process, but we do need to trust the Craftsman.

But now, LORD, you are our father. We are the clay, and you are our potter. All of us are the work of your hand. – Isaiah 64:8


What Do You Love?


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Church, what do you love? Really pause and think about this. I believe the Lord is asking each of us this question at this specific moment in time. What do you value? What do you exalt? What is taking first place in your heart? Sadly, I think if many Christians were honest with themselves and examined their lifestyles, they would see that God is not number one. 

Church, the Lord is trying to get our attention. He longs for fellowship with us. But, we have been so busy with so many things. We have littered our schedules with time wasters, pulling us away from deepening our relationship with Him. God is trying to get our attention, and unfortunately, many of us are still ignoring His call.  

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. Revelations 3:20

I have heard over and over again that this pandemic is judgment coming on the world for its sinful ways. Christians have been quick to point a blaming figure at all the sin that is transpiring in the world. Although the sin in the world certainly breaks God’s heart, I believe that the Lord is calling on His people during this time of crisis for repentance and a return to their first love.

Church, we are at a pivotal time in history. We have literally been stripped of all the distractions that have taken first place in our hearts. Our actions and response to this pandemic will dictate what comes next. 

Will we continue to ignore the Lord’s invitation to meet with Him daily? Will we continue to fill our lives with senseless distractions that keep us from spending time with our Heavenly Father? Or, will we turn from our wicked ways and get down on our knees and humble ourselves before the Lord? Our world needs healing. Church, what do you love?

If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

The Gift of Time


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I realize how unsettling these times are right now. People are getting sick at record rates, hospitals are at overcapacity, and most frightening, people are dying right in our hometowns. But as scary and uncertain as these times are, we need to make sure that we don’t miss out on the gift that is right in front of us – the gift of time.  

I remember back to the days when my kids were very little, before they started school, before dance classes and soccer practices, before all the scheduled events started to fill up our calendar. All we had was time. I would sometimes wake up in the morning and wonder what in the world I was going to fill those long days with – crafts, finger painting, puzzles, dance parties, story time. 

“The days are long, but the years are short.” – Gretchen Rubin

Those unplanned, carefree days are obviously a thing of the past for my family. I have a son in college and daughter close behind him. But right now, God has gifted us with a special moment where time is not an issue. Yes, we are all still working and managing school from home, but many hours on the calendar have been freed up given all of our usual activities have been put on hold. With that said, we need to be intentional with how we spend this time, not only with each other, but also in His presence.

Listen, it’s easy to focus our attention on all the negatives that this pandemic brings. In addition to the sickness, death, and economic disruptions that are transpiring, we are also dealing with the cancellation of vacations, school, graduations, and proms. But in the midst of all this, God is giving us something valuable. And if we are not careful, we may very well miss out on His goodness.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. – Romans 8:28

For the last 14 days, I have basically been alone with family, except for a few isolated trips to the grocery store. And even though being trapped in my house wasn’t topping my to-do list for 2020, I have experienced some of the most special moments with my family and some awesome, refreshing times with the Lord – moments that I would not have normally had. 

During our social distancing, we as a family have cooked and have eaten all of our meals together, completed 4 large jigsaw puzzles, played the most intense game of the board game Risk that has likely been recorded in history, went on about a half of a dozen hikes through the woods, had an outdoor bonfire while roasting marshmallows, and most importantly, had special prayer time together, as a family. To add to that, I have had more quiet, uninterrupted time with the Lord than I have seen in a long time.

Now, please don’t think for a moment that I am downplaying the seriousness of this virus. People are fighting for their lives. But even in this tragedy, God can use it for His good, as He always does. So, ladies, I urge you to readjust your focus. Be intentional on how you use this time right now. Seek the Lord’s direction for your life. Get undone before Him in times of worship. Dig into His word like never before. 

Because before you know it, we will be right back to the hustle and bustle of life. But hopefully someday, you will look back at this moment in history and realize that hidden underneath all the uncertainty and turmoil, God still had a gift for us – time.

Crippling Fear



I know that at times the world seems overwhelming and feels like it is spinning out of control, but you need to know that our God is still on the throne. Whether you are consumed with the pandemic virus or you are simply just unable to face another day because of mounting anxiety, keep reading.

Ladies, I know first-hand how crippling fear can be. It feels real. It feels unshakeable. And it feels like you will never have freedom from your anxious thoughts again. But that is a lie that the enemy wants you to believe. God doesn’t want you to live like that.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 4:6-7

I have been very open about my struggle with fear and anxiety. And although it was not as severe as some of you may be experiencing, as a woman involved in ministry, I used to feel so ashamed that this was something I couldn’t overcome. How could I allow those anxious thoughts to creep in and disrupt my peace? I knew what the scriptures said about fear, and yet, I still couldn’t break this stronghold in my life. 

After a lot of years circling the same mountain, it came down to this question of my heart – did I really trust God? Did I trust Him with my health? Did I trust Him with my family? Did I trust Him with my future? You see, I really didn’t have a fear and anxiety issue, I had a trust issue. I didn’t fully trust God with my life. 

Sure, I trusted Him for my salvation and general protection, but I still worried that there would be things in my life that I couldn’t plan or account for. And you know what, I was right. But looking back, there isn’t one thing I would change because Jesus has walked with me through it all. Everything in my life, although not what I would have necessarily chosen, was there for a divine purpose.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. – Proverbs 3:5

After I had this revelation about trust, I was faced with a choice. Could I relinquish control and wholeheartedly trust the Lord’s plans for my life no matter what that looked like? Or, would I continue on this vicious cycle of laying things down at the feet of Jesus only to pick them back up again when things didn’t look or feel like how I expected them to be? By the equipping power of the Holy Spirit, I chose freedom, and you can too.

So, to the woman who puts on a smile for the world to see, but who is secretly crying inside . . . and to the woman who couldn’t get out of bed this morning because her anxiety is so high . . . and to woman who hasn’t had a good night’s rest in months or even years, it’s time to check your heart. 

Today, you have a choice to make. Are you able to relinquish control and finally say “Lord, I trust you” or do you want to continue to live in bondage, worrying over what may or may not ever happen? If you are ready to go all in with Jesus, then today, my friend, is your day for breakthrough!

Dear Seventeen-Year-Old Self


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Life can be pretty scary sometimes. Change is scary. Transition is scary. The unknown is scary. Not being able to control everything is scary. Not knowing what is ahead is scary. You get the idea. But, life with Jesus by your side doesn’t have to be.

 Just about a month ago, I sat in church where I had the opportunity to hear Dependent Daughter’s Shalyn Willis, now eighteen, share a letter she wrote to her seventeen-year-old self. She addressed all the emotions and concerns she faced over the course of the year as she transitioned from high school student to college student. It was raw and vulnerable, and I wish every teenage girl could have heard this message. 

With her as an inspiration, I sat down at 43 years old to ponder what I would write to my seventeen-year-old self. What advice and encouragement would I share? It is not as easy as one would think. But here goes:

Dear Seventeen-Year-Old Jessica,

       Wow, time sure flies by. It seems like just yesterday that I was looking ahead to my adult life, wondering what God had in store. What a wonderful life it has been so far! You have two amazing kids, a husband that adores you, and a beautiful, supportive family. That’s not to say it’s been all puppies and rainbows, but God has carried you through the ups and the downs in life. He is your source — nothing else.

       Now, I know you are a planner and like to have everything laid out, but trust me, God’s plans are better. Oh, and He has a sense of humor too. So be prepared. His path for you is a little different than what you are planning. And I think deep down inside, you know that too. 

       Your mid-twenties get a little rough. You’re married with two little ones and everything is as you dreamed. Then this little thing called fear tries to seep in and steal your peace. Resist the lies of the devil. Shut the “what ifs” up. Do not entertain them!!! You waste a lot of time here, and for no reason. So, please don’t worry about your future. God is already in it and has all your days planned out. Once you learn to truly trust God with your life, I mean truly trust Him, then and only then will you find peace.

       Some days will be harder than others. You will walk through some storms. You will battle some health issues. And as difficult as they seem during it, Jesus will carry you through them all. Remember, nothing surprises Him. Keep your eyes on Jesus, and don’t let anything or anyone squash your faith. He has the final word.

       Sweet girl, not everyone is going to like you. And that’s ok. Some people will hurt you, use you, and betray you. Be good to them anyway. The Lord will deal with them. That’s not your battle to fight. But still, choose to see the best in people.

       And I cannot stress this point enough — stay in sync with the Holy Spirit. He will direct you, convict you, transform you, and reveal things you can’t imagine. You will accomplish amazing things once you realize that you cannot do life effectively without Him. 

Don’t be afraid to take a leap of faith. When the Lord says leap, leap! Don’t hesitate. He is the creator of the universe — He is trustworthy. These leaps will mark some of your best moments in your life. Girl, you can’t soar if you never leave the ground.

       There is so much more I want to tell you, but I don’t want to spoil it. Watching God unfold His plan for you is half the fun. But I will tell you this . . . that boy you are dating, you’re going to marry him. And together, with the Lord at the center, you will have your happily ever after.




Closet Clean Out


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I know this sounds crazy, but I just love the new year purge – new Christmas gifts come in and old items go out. It’s the time of year in our house where we carefully look through our closets and drawers to see if there are any items that we can get rid of. It is so freeing to fill garbage bag after garbage bag of items to donate or, in some cases, just throw out.

We have been doing this ritual in my house every year since my kids were little. I have always stressed how important it is not to hold on to things that we no longer have use for –stained, broken, out of style, or maybe it no longer fits. If we aren’t careful, these items can just encumber our space if left undealt with.

To take this one step further, the new year is a great time to reflect on the previous year to see if there are some habits, attitudes, or mindsets that have developed and that need to be purged as well. It is amazing what type of clutter builds up in our hearts and minds over the course of a year. It is so necessary to examine our hearts and minds, with the Holy Spirit’s guidance, to see if we need to discard of anything that is harmful to our spiritual walk.

Let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God. –  1 Corinthians 7:1

Perhaps this previous year you have broken your spiritual discipline and haven’t spent enough time in the Word or in prayer. The new year is a great time to reset and start again. Or maybe you have allowed unforgiveness and bitterness to take root in your heart because of something that was done to you. Well, there is nothing like a new year to let go of those hurts and allow the Holy Spirit to take occupancy in your heart once again. 

Ladies, I don’t know what kind of stuff you’ve collected over the year, but the new year is definitely a great time for examining it. The new year is a blessing from the Lord – a clean slate, and time to start afresh. Don’t miss out on what God has in store for you in 2020 because you are still dragging around the clutter from 2019.

Happy New Year!

Fully Present


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Let me set the scene. I’m sitting on my couch, with the latest Hallmark Movie playing on the television while, at the same time, I’m playing a game on my phone. All is going well until I look up and realize that I have no idea what is going on in the movie. Mind you, this is Hallmark. I can probably guess that the girl dumps her current, very successful, work-obsessed boyfriend so she can date her high school sweetheart, who is now a farmer or something along those lines. But I didn’t want to guess, I wanted to actually know what was going on. And I missed it. 

Anyone ever try to do more than one thing at once? Of course, you have! You are a woman, and women are the queens of multi-tasking. Most of the time we are pretty good at it too. However, did you ever notice that when you do more than one thing at a time, nothing comes out exactly right?

Here’s another example. My husband is a quality time person. When he’s doing something, he likes it when the family is there with him, even if it’s just our presence. Like when he was painting the ceiling in our kitchen, he wanted me to hang out and talk to him while he painted. Or when we are watching a show that he may love more than I do, he wants me to give it my full attention and not sit there scrolling on my phone.

You are smart. I bet you are seeing the tie in to all this. We don’t give our best self when we aren’t fully present. The people we are with want us to be fully present with them. When we are with people, we want them to be fully present with us. And… wait for it… when we spend time with God, He too wants us to be fully present with Him. 

Surely you have granted him unending blessings and made him glad with the joy of your presence. – Psalm 21:6 

Is your prayer time a time of complete and total surrender to God, where He is the only thing that is on your mind? Or are you multi-tasking? If you are wondering why you aren’t feeling as close to God as you used to, it’s important to check yourself. What can you do to make yourself fully present with God?

For me, worship music always helps me get my mind on God and off of everything else. One song I’m quite fond of right now is “Nothing Else” by Cody Carnes. 


Ladies, I hope you take the time to get fully present with God this Christmas season and coming new year. And honestly, get fully present with the people in your life that you care about too – your parents, your spouse, your kids, your friends. For me, nothing shows me more how important I am to someone when I’m with them than when they are not distracted, their phone is put away, the tv is off, and we are just fully present with each other. 

What is Your Purpose?`



I have been pondering the question of purpose quite a bit lately. For many months, I poured all of my time into preparing and planning for our Leap of Faith Conference. After the conference was over, I felt deflated. What am I supposed to do with my life now? What is my purpose? God, what do you want me to do with my time? I know that I’m a wife and a mother, but I yearn for something more – something that will make an impact on others, not just my family.

After some time in prayer and reflection, I discovered that my purpose is to help women see who they are in Christ – to show them that they are fearfully and wonderfully made. But when I’m not up on the platform sharing a message, how can I fulfill this?

God reminded me that He placed the gift of encouragement inside of me. Wherever I am, I have the ability to speak life into someone. What simple message of encouragement can I give? Do I have a prophetic word from the Holy Spirit that I can share with someone? When I pray and ask and listen, He will direct me who to speak to. I just have to be obedient. This is how I can fulfill my purpose. 

What is your purpose? What are you good at? What gifts has God deposited inside of you? Can you help others with your gift? Maybe you have a beautiful voice (NOT my gift), and the worship team is looking for a new singer. Are you super organized and good at decluttering (again, NOT my gift) and can help someone clean out a room, like my niece did for me? You may be an excellent cook, and there is a family in the neighborhood who is going through a rough time and could really use a good, home-cooked meal. Are you a really strong student? That girl in youth group is struggling in school. Perhaps you could tutor her. 

If you are trying to answer the same question I was, you need to spend some time with the Lord. Get down on your knees, pray intently, and simply ask Him to reveal the gifts that He has deposited inside of you and how you can use them for His purposes.

You were created on purpose, with purpose woven within you.

Stop the Madness


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Can I just say that I love being a pastor? I really do. I’ve been ministering to women for over 15 years now, and I still thank God for the opportunity to stand with other women in their journeys to become like Christ. I love walking through life together, sharing stories of success and victory, and simply standing with those who are walking through the most difficult seasons of life.

But as you can imagine, being a woman in ministry is not easy. If you were on social media this past week, you know why. And in light of this recent attack on women preachers, I really began to reflect on some of the challenges that I have endured over the years, challenges that men don’t necessarily have to contend with, like being judged on how you look or what you are wearing as opposed to the content of the message you carry. Or, people calling your work “cute” rather than understanding the importance of empowering women to be strong in Christ. And my favorite is having people walk out of church while I was preaching because they don’t believe women have a place in ministry. 

And as troubling as all this is, I have been most shocked by the lack of sisterhood I sometimes observe in ministry. Some women don’t know how to support one another without feeling threatened. Some women don’t want to promote another woman because they fear that it might take an opportunity away from themselves. We need to remember that someone else’s success has nothing to do with our own. We are not in a competition, but rather a personal journey to walk out our own individual callings. We should be building each other up, encouraging one another to find her purpose, and helping her walk it out. Sadly, this is not always the case.

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. – 1 Thessalonian 5:11

However, I just recently worked with an amazing group of women at my last conference. It was the perfect picture of women supporting other women in every way. There was such a mix of different gifts and talents all being used for God’s purposes. No one was threatened as we all kept our eyes on bringing glory to the Most High.

How refreshing it was to do ministry in an environment like this! I truly felt a heart connection as we stood together arm in arm and took ground for the Kingdom of God. This is a picture of what God intended for us, not women fighting for the spotlight.

Ladies, we need to stop the madness. We need to stop the comparison game. We need to stop thinking that someone else’s success will somehow impede your own. The Biblical measure of success is not how the world measures it. We are all part of a bigger picture. Our goal is to bring glory to God, not ourselves, which is a major shift in the world’s thinking. It changes the nature of how we are to operate.

With that in mind, here are some questions that I encourage you to pray on:

·  Are you helping other women along or just focusing on your own progress? 

·  Do you have someone in your life that you are mentoring or pouring into? 

·  Are you feeling alone without any support? 

·  Who can you reach out to?

Ladies, this doesn’t just apply to working in ministry, but in all areas of our lives – the corporate world, the classroom, the PTO, and the gym. Let’s stand arm in arm and build one another up. We are stronger together.

Ripe for the Picking


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You will often hear me talk about the power of the Holy Spirit that is alive and available to us as believers. I fully encourage us, like Paul did, to eagerly pursue the greater gifts – to become in step with the Holy Spirit so that we can partner with Him to do amazing things for the Kingdom of God. There are so many lost and hurting people who truly need a special touch from the Lord, and God wants to use us to bring it to them.

But before we can have the Holy Spirit operate through us, we need to first allow Him to work in us. We need to let Him have His way in us so that we create an environment that welcomes the Holy Spirit. We are just a vessel that He uses to do His work. So, with that said, we need to clean up our vessel to make sure there is nothing in it that grieves or dishonors Him.

The acts of the flesh are obvious:  sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Galatians 5:19-23

Now before we go any further with this scripture, I want to talk about fruit. If you ever have picked apples, or any other fruit for that matter, you know what bad fruit looks like – bruised, wormy, or rotten. If you are anything like me, you avoid picking these fruits at all cost. You certainly don’t want to use a worm-infested apple for baking an apple pie, do you? Of course not. The same is true of the Holy Spirit. He is looking for women who are bearing good fruit to use for His purposes.

If the Holy Spirit is in us, the fruit we bear should prove that. Obviously, this is a work in progress, but what does that look like? We should:

·      Show love to a difficult family member.

·      Find joy in the midst of trial.

·      Have peace when everything around you is crumbling.

·      Be patient with people who truly test it.

·      Do good works even when you don’t feel like it. 

·      Say the kind word.

·      Be gentle when bringing correction.

·      Be a faithful person that glorifies God’s faithfulness.

·      Exhibit self-control and not succumb to the desires of the flesh.

To take it a step further, we shouldn’t be having sex outside of marriage or entertaining ourselves with things that our eyes shouldn’t see. We shouldn’t be getting drunk, reading our horoscope, or sowing discord, to name a few. Once we accept Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior and allow the Holy Spirit to have His way, the bad fruit should be a thing of the past.  

To bear good fruit, we need to start with good soil, which is submission and obedience to the Lord. Add a steady food source like the Word of God and sound Biblical teaching, and mix it with plenty of “son-shine” or time with Jesus. Make sure you add plenty of water or fellowship with other believers, and you are off to a good start. But remember, it is the supernatural working power of the Holy Spirit that prunes us to bear the best fruit.

If we want the Holy Spirit to work through us, if we want to be part of God’s plans here on earth, we must first allow the Holy Spirit to work in us.