One Name



As believers in Jesus Christ, I think we often forget the majesty and greatness of the name of Jesus. We take for granted the beauty, power, and hope found in the mere essence of His name. The only name ever to have the power to save, set free, heal, and redeem is the name of my Savior. I can't number for you how many times I have called upon that one name, and my storm was still, my heart had hope, and my fears were faced by faith. That one name has the power to comfort or convict. The one name that can cause armies to be destroyed or a bird to sing is the name of the God who lives in me. 

As Daughters of God, we must not lose sight of the grand nature of Jesus' name. Not only His name, but also Him as a person. He is our salvation, joy, hope, peace, power, faith, goodness, patience, victory, courage, strength, endurance, and love. I know that I need to constantly be reminded of and thankful for that one name. 

In the midst of this crazy life, don't lose sight of that one name. The one name that fulfills us and covers our sins is the name we must remain in awe of. That one name is JESUS!

And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. — Acts 4:12